Monday 23 September 2013

Birth of Geier 22/09/2013

I’m hearing a transmission that sounds like a radio frequency.   My heart pulsating too loudly.   Something is happening.
The other day I could see energy around my light bulb.  like lines of colour like a torus,   now I can see an aura to,  spreading out from my light bulb,   like a rainbow   the same as I could see round the moon,   and I can see it with my eyes open,  I’m being called again,  going to bulb gaze.
I see elders standing in a row; in bright gowns about 5 of them I see an open door bright, shining light inside the door.
I feel something coming over my face, from the right over one eye, like a cobweb feeling slightly cold, tingling.
I see Zeus sitting on his throne
“3,   A,   I AM”
Have you noticed today how all the colours are much brighter, even though, there are no sun, in my room its really bright colours
Ok seeing invisible shapes again now coming down from my light bulb.
I see a woman, in a boat,   she’s being pushed out in the water, she’s pregnant,   a man in the boat with her poling the boat, on a lake,
Reminds me of when we used to go to Avalon,
beams of energy now descending on me from the light bulb,  light bulb is flickering a bit,  feeling hot, sweating,  dizzy,  energy all around me,  in my hair on my body,  in me.
ok I see a hole in my bedroom ceiling,   it’s like a rainbow portal going up, where the light bulb is attached, but it’s not on my ceiling, it’s in between the bulb and attachment fitting,   and sending energy down the wire into my bulb, I can feel tingling,   in my hands when I hold them up to the bulb,   it’s a bit like what happened the other week, my energy field is wavering, rippling.  A beam of light over my bed.
I see two figure s going towards the beam of light,  the doorway,  wooo ,  dizzy spinning , cold, hot,   sweating,
I see an eye, in the centre is the throne with father on it,   and feels like half my face is disappearing. Top left,    Zeus,
I see like a  tornado vortex with souls spinning in it,   its red, green, brown,   my teeth feel hollow,  now a white light shining down from my light bulb,
 I see a mother, gathering her child to her.
Ganesh and a symbol,   like a three,   it’s a Hindu looking symbol squiggly, like a 3 but not ive drawn it.
I see people watching flames, bright burning,   I see people walking away,
Cold shivers going up my right leg,   something came into me,   a red looking eye with a flame in the centre.   I’m not sure whose it was, oh I was just told “Ganesh” smiles,   elephant eye.     Ganesh is in me removing blockages and obstacles.
Love him, so much,   smiles, beautiful Ganesh, hot sweating again,   acid tears going from the outer corners of my eyes,
Another symbol, I drew it, it’s like a word.  Will look it up later, Hebrew.     I see two feathers like Egyptian hieroglyphs,   one higher than the other I think my “ie” the feather hieroglyphs, ie or y.      Oh I see.    Part of the word,    but one is facing the wrong way,   inwards, and the other inwards, to so facing each other, 
= English translation of the Hebrew word, Geiir or Geier, a name.
I see  a lady with a blue cloak come into me she was holding a child,  looked like Mary, Isis,   the child separated from her as she came into me, the boy child had blond hair.
I see a jewelled hilt of a sword, sticking out of something.

My rooms thick with energy, tingling all around me
Ganesh is leaving me now,
  Christ consciousness
Sweating again.   Not allowed to put my fan on, cos I got to sweat it out   so I’m told
it’s in my back now in my spine, the energy like the other week  same thing  and upgrades  in my heart chakra  in my head now. 

End of vision

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