Friday 20 September 2013

Twinsouls Soul Battle

I awoke in the night, my body pulsing and tingling with the full moon energy’s, vibrating through me. Feeling vibrant and alive.   Standing outside in the moonlight I gazed up at Luna. Breath-taking in her beauty, looking in amazement at the wonderful colours, emanating from and around her. Spiralling like an ever increasing tunnel of light getting wider in bands of rainbow colours, her aura like a halo. Closing my eyes and letting her light and colours absorb into my energy field. I felt dizzy but exhilarated. 

Sleepily I crawled back into bed and snuggled under the duvet, shivering, as the chill of the night had penetrated my bones. I lay there, my mind running away with thought‘s and questions. 

  A few weeks ago id met a man, whom felt and looked familiar, we had spoken very briefly, once, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind.  The picture of his face was always hovering in my mind’s eye, a holographic image, like the Cheshire cat, grinning at me.  We also seemed to be chatting away, in telepathic, thought, transference, although I can’t easily remember what we were saying. His energetic thought vibrational voice, also seemed very familiar.
As I was lying there, the moonlight, streaming through my window, onto me, thinking these things. I asked him, in my mind, if I could look into his soul. He answered my thought request in the affirmative, so I sent my energy to him.

 My spirit traveled to his room, where he was sleeping, and like me, he had his curtains opened, so the moonlight was shining onto him, making a white light halo around his head.    Staring at his lovely sleeping profile, I merged into his energy body, whilst he slept. 

I was surprised to find it quite dark within him.  Flashes of symbols appearing and fading, Holy and religious relics of old, then I saw the face of Mother Mary gazing back at me.  Moving on through his energy body, I came to a scenic place I recognised.  A large body of water like an inland sea.  Surrounded on three sides, by mountains and a forest of spruce type of trees, that grew right up to the water’s edge, the moonlight shimmering on the waters.  As I was seeing this place I remembered id been here before. I then saw Mother Mary again watching me curiously. So I came out of his energy. And returned back into myself. 

I was just about to turn over get comfy and go back to sleep, when I felt him again, id woken him up. He had felt my presence within him. And had followed me back. And was now asking to explore my soul energy. So I gave permission, and closed my eyes, as I felt and saw his shadow coming over and into me, recognising him as a shadow dragon.

I watched as his swirling, shadowy mists, like dark, ashen smoke, started to overcome my blue, white mists, dancing and merging with each other, in our playful show.   I saw his shadow like a dragons, face eating up my light and energy. Feeling a little alarmed, I saw my light completely disappear into the shadows.  I waited for my light to appear, and saw a brief flash as I had pulled my trusty sword “Epiphany” and was swinging at the dragon in our battle for supremacy and our souls. My heart in my mouth, beating fast with fright, at the battle I was having to fight.  My eyes tight shut. As I watched from my bed, the dark smoke and bright streaks, flashing like lightening in the rolling thunder clouds.  Breathing deeply, trying to calm myself, as I waited for my light to get brighter, and seeing the fight, through my third eye vision.  I saw myself plunge my sword through the dragon’s heart and slice his head off, thinking at the time to him. “I told you I was a dragon slayer,” he merged back together again, laughing. 

 I then saw a glimmer of blue-green  light appear near to me. And then I remembered what I could do. In a flash of lightening, I transformed myself into a huge, golden fire dragon, and breathing my fire into his energy, transmuted his darkness, melting him into a blue-green glowing light.  His light hovered over me for a while resting as I also calmed, but then, the battle wasn’t over it seemed.

He again became dark, like black soot, and came over me, a black shadow of a vampire.  A tempter of flesh, I felt him kissing my neck and naked breast, caressing my body, knowing who he was and unable to resist. He again laughed at me, teasingly, saying "I know your weakness", as our spirits again merged and made sweet love to one another, in bliss, and ecstasy. I gave in to his lustful ways, smiling to myself knowing full well that my love for him and light would be planted within him, through our energy meld, as we made love his light changed into the blue-green  angel that I loved so well. Breathing in his scent of fresh spruce and pine. As I drifted off to sleep, held gently in his arms.

Softly spoken words, whispered gently in my ear, 
Hissing seductively of love. 
Gentle kisses, like butterflies wings, 
Fluttering over my smooth satin skin,
Tingling sensations, melting my heart,
Romantic thoughts are shared,
As lovers entwine in ecstasies embrace. 

Smouldering passions, growing fire,
Flickering flames, like tongues of desire,
Our bodies moving in unison,
The unearthly beat if our hearts, like the eternal beating of drums. As lovers meld together,
Our souls joined for infinity as One. ~ Seaopal

smilesChat conversation end

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