Friday 20 September 2013


I first met Ergot, ( with silent t, so he told me ) in 2009, after meeting my twinsoul, before that id never really thought about dragons.

One evening, I was lyeing in bed, closing my eyes and relaxing, I felt an energy, and a presence, opening my eyes, I jumped back in my bed, in surprise, for not more than 10 inches, away from my face, was this huge face looking at me. ( incidently this was my very first experiance of actually seeing, anything, spiritual as i was always to scared to see.)
he had amber eyes like orbs of molten fire, reflecting on smoke, black scales, like plates of armour, covering his skin, Sharp horns on his head, and nostrils flaring, as his mouth spreads wide, his teeth, sparkling white, in their sharp toothed grin and a red tongue.

You can imagine my shock, and I actually told him, off, so he backed away. but, seeing the light of friendship, his eyes, I was reassured, I closed my eyes, and held out my hand to touch his muzzle, There was a tingling of electromagnetic energy at my touch, and instantly I felt I had known him all my life, stroking his snout, i smiled, as i was a bit nervous i kept my eyes shut, and saw through my third eye.

My first lesson with him, was about light, blue/white light, and energy, he helped me to make an energy, ball, and told me how to use it, have got it written somewhere , as I recorded it after it had happened, but cant find the original writing.

The next time I saw him, I only saw his shadow, a huge form, in the darkness, and again, i shut my eyes tight, and saw him through my third eye vision, he gave me a lesson, and we communcated telepathically. (incidently, i dont hear sound, only feel vibration and emotions, and that is then, translated into silent sound, if that makes sense, bit like when your reading someones, message to yourself quietly, but you read it in their, thought voice.)
“ A lesson about spirit fire!” he breathed onto my hand, and I could feel the ball of fire, see the glow, “What should I do with it?, Fire is destruction!” “No!” he replied “it is cleansing” . He then sent me a vision, volcanoes, earthquakes, lava flowing from the earth, fire flowing like water. “ See Destruction!” “ No!, the fire cleanses the earth, purifies.” “but innocence will be destroyed to!” “No, only the destroyers of the earth, the innocent will not be harmed, and the earth will be cleansed.” i nodded in understanding, “so, what do I do with this fire ball ?” The dragon, then made me think about what fire meant, “Ancient wisdom, powerful emotions, sexuality, rage, hate, love, purification and cleansing” “Healing?” “yes, healing too” I then threw the ball at myself, and instantly felt the fires energy, traveling through my body, like heart burn, the molten lava running through my veins and saw the glow of the fire, emanating from me. As i felt the energy, absorbing the lights, the colour’s. and as the flames died down, felt cleansed. The dragon gave me instructions, to study spirit fire, then he left .

Vision, 2009

The dragon, lay slumbering, His immense head resting on his front legs, The gentle breathing, a restful sigh. But at closer glance, you could see that one eye was slowly opening, the bright, fiery light from within the dragons soul was glowing. There was a sense that things were going to change, the waiting, watching, was coming to an end. And still the dragon slumbered on, biding his time, watching , waiting, his heavy muscles gathering, For the time of the coming battle.

I haven’t seen Ergot, since then, he seemed to have finished his work with me.

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