Friday 20 September 2013

Dragon experiances


Just settling down, said my prayers, and asked for help, with my health, when in my minds eye, came a vision, of a dragon, this dragon, had a smaller head, no horns, but tendrils on his chin, like a beard, and longer body, than Ergo'ts.  He was a spring leaf green, and sunny yellow, underside, and when he waved his tail about, it made white light sparkles, fly, he had a wide smile, and yellow eyes, and when he breathed out his breath was like a green fog, dark leaf green, he was a healing dragon, and a light dragon. He told me to breathe deep of his breathe, I breathed in the green fog, several times, saw in my minds eyes, the fog entering my mouth. And breathed out dark fog, then the dragon, turned away to fly off, I asked what his name was, his name was Zen, smiles.


I felt i was given a young dragon, to guard me, or so he told me, he called himself, Blaze, he was a fire dragon. I saw him, as red, but very different from Ergo't and Zen,  he was very, hot, when he got close, in fact, the whole time he stayed close to me, it  was the middle of summer, and it was making me have terrible hot flushes, he insisted on sleeping on the foot of my bed, and followed me about everywhere, he was'nt very big, well not as big as Ergot, had been, and he reminded me of Dino, the dinosuar  dog, on the cartoon the Flintstones, he  acted like a big clumsy exhuberant dog, so i nicknamed him Dino, when i was out walking in the fields, i could sense, him, and heard, the crops, cracking and popping, with the heat from the fire,  when he was'nt walking in the crops, they didnt pop, and crackle, and then, i would feel him, on the other side of, me, sometimes, would see patches, in the crops, where he would be, i would stand. staring. trying to see, him, smiles, reminded me, of that walt disney film, Petes Dragon, cos he would be invisable, but i could see him, with my eyes shut, his red energy.   He was behind me as i was out walking, and kept bumping me. one day he told me, telepathically,  he had a present for me, and told me to look down, on the ground, in the dust just where i was standing, was a small white pebble, i picked it up, and it was a perfect heart shape, smiles, he told me it was from my twinsoul, on one side there were markings, like a map,it  took, me a few days of looking at these marking, s but after severel days, and copying them, out on paper, one day whilst walking in the fields, i looked up, and then, recognised the markings on my stone, as a map of the fields, i was walking in, an areal view. well after 4 days, i felt Dino, had left, and my hot flushes, left to, thankfully, smiles, i thanked, him, for keeping me company.

a couple of months, later i had a bad experiance with a Black Dragon, i had, pulled him, out of, a friend of mine, who had, been  doing some, meditations, with a group online, which. he was paying, for, after a week, of listening to theses meditations, he was getting ill, and wanted my opinion,  so i went to the page, and immediatly, started to feel ill, and lumps forming in my lower chakras, so left the page, i offered to look  at my friends energies, and found, a dark shadow, within him, his energies, all looked very dark, and dim, so i offered, to help, and heal,him, after wards he said he was feeling so much better.  It was that evening, that i met the black dragon, and had some difficulties, he would' nt leave me alone, then, as i was feeling ill, and getting disorientated, i saw, white flickering lights,  and the black dragon, it  seemed to me like there was a battle going on, above my body.
 Then i fell into a deep sleep. after that i never felt or saw the black dragon, again.

it  was a monthor so later, I  had a brief visit, from a very, old dragon, looked a bit like Ergot, he was by my bed, and i saw, his shadow face, looking very old and worn, tired, he put his muzzle on my bed, and closing my eyes, i reached out and, was stroking it, then, seemed to me he smiled, and disappeared.

 another  experiance,   was, when i was connected to a friend. and looking within, him, i saw, a beautiful dragon, he was jet black, majestic, a kind of blue fire all around him, and emerald, highlights glinting, off his hide, was very different to the other dragons, i ve seen, he had 3 heads, smiles.

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