Isis, had just completed, the last earth sacred geometric, tree of life crystal grid, for activating, and helping Gaia’s, ascension. Spread over three fields, the huge, grid was now ready.
Her host, was elated, easy she thought, All she had to do, was, keep it charged, until the day of activation. Diligently, every day, she would walk the grid, filling it with her energy, and love, sending, the energy, into the grid, into the earth, and atmosphere, connecting with the earths, electromagnetic field, and atmospheric, grids, so raising, the vibration and light quotient.
Daily, trudging through wind, rain, and mud, as the winter months, got wilder and dragged on, though, always a happy smile. Singing and whistling, while she worked. Glad to help in any way she could.
For several days, I had been suffering, with a full feeling in my chakras, felt like they were filling up with rocks, like they were going to burst, so I went and found a work colleague, sage/shaman to ask for help with clearing, looking into my energy, he saw pebbles, filling up my chakras, and suggested I open, my chakras, like clams, and empty, them, so I did, that , and that seemed to work but they kept filling up again, puzzled as to what was causing, this problem, I finally, decided I was, and the rocks, and pebbles, represented, material things, so mentally, I let go of, them, and the problem, stopped. But I was still feeling full, in my root chakra, so my friend offered, to help. He entered my energy, and rummaged, around, in my lower chakra body area, and told me he found all sort of junk, and cleared it for me. Feeling better I thanked, him, and then, went for a bath. But to my horror, as I stripped for my bath, I felt sticky, wet, blood, on my tummy, touching my belly, there was a small hole, above my leg, and blood, perplexed as to how I got this injury, and id not even felt, it, I had my salt water bath and cleansed, then, the wound seemed to heal, so I forgot about it, but later that evening, I felt an energy, within, me, my back was hurting, and I was feeling full again, in my root chakra, was also feeling movements, like I had a baby, in me. Horrified, I got back online, and found another good, friend, who told me it was a maybe a kundilini serpent. And was cleansing my chakras, never having looked kundilini, up , and not knowing anything about it, he talked me through the process, helped me to push the serpent up through my chakras, and out, through my crown chakra, giving it love and thankfulness, for helping me. I was confused, scared and hurt, though by the serpent, as, to me it felt, like I was in labour, and pushing a baby, out, up the wrong, way, through my head, and when it got to my throat, boy, did that hurt, made me choke, and wretch and left my throat, and airways, burning, and sore, but thinking this was helping me, I persevered, feeling better, that id got rid of the serpent but feeling guilty for not enjoying the experience, as I had read, that kundilini, was sexual and meant to be blissful. NOT in my case, so it seemed.
On going to bed, I felt my lower chakras, filling up again, the same movements inside, pains, in my back, boy, was it hurting, damn, not again, so again, I worked through my chakras, breathing deep and pushing the serpent, up through me, and letting go, in love, but, everytime I got rid of one, another, started up through me, after the 11th, serpent, I was exhausted, and aching, sore burning inside, from this cleansing, finally, it stopped, and I went to sleep.
The next day, soon as I woke up it started again, I pushed through another 5, then; I got up, and did my chores, went in the fields, and did my meditations. Still feeling tired. But was a lovely sunny, day, and the sunlight, was healing, I sat absorbing the wonderful energies, into my bodies, watching the hazy colours,reds, oranges, yellows and golds, coming down, like spiritual fire, in waves, and sending love, in thankfulness.
But as I was walking home, again, I felt my chakras, were filling up, with serpents, and I had to stop, and pass, another, 3, making me feel so dizzy, and tired. And they seemed to be getting bigger, when I closed my eyes, I could see them, heads, like, Chinese dragons, and bodies, beautiful colours, I was loving them, more, and helping them, to pass through me, in love, but thinking, if they are cleansing, me, where is the negative energy coming from, and where is it going to, when it leaves, me. Feeling desperate, with pain, as I was, not having any respite now, as soon as a huge, one would, pass through me, another, would start, exhausted, I went online to find some friend s who, could help, me, and their love, healed, soothed and calmed me. so I was able to bare, the pain, of this labour, of serpents. Now thinking maybe it was Gaia’s negativity, I was, passing. though asking about it, no one else was going through this, and usually, earth symptoms, others would be experiencing, at the same, time. As the day went, on and the serpents didn’t stop, passing through, me, I was so exhausted, sore and weak. I had another, bath, and then did my meditations, and had an early night, though still every 10 minutes, had to pass a serpent, till finally, it stopped, nearly, in tears, I asked Arch Angel Michael, to help me, settling down, again, exhausted, I closed, my eyes, I could see now, the serpents, were energy snakes, long huge ones, I could see around me white glowing, lights, Angels. though I still could not feel anything, my heart hurt and was sore, my insides felt like they were on fire, burning. I then, saw a light coming down, upon, me, was like white, molten gold, with rainbow, lights, it descended, and flowed through me, like lava, soothing, me. As I drifted into a deep sleep.
Slept well and heavy, a dreamless, sleep, for a change, as soon as I was awake, these serpents, were coming through me, again, I was getting so fed up 3 days now, surely this isn’t kundilini, I would not be in so much pain, if it was healing and cleansing, me, I felt my guides, had, left me, felt I had no help, felt lost alone, tired and angry, frustrated. I pushed another, 5 out, and I started to complain, to my guides, asking why, I was going through this, why could not I remember anything, why, how, what’s the point in all,of this, I slept for a short while, and woke up feeling better, but I then, realised that these snakes, weren’t, healing me, I remembered a meditation a friend had taught me, on removing, things from my chakras, so instead of pushing these, snakes, up through me, I opened, each chakra, in turn, visually, and put my hand, into my energy, grabbing hold of the snakes, and pulling them, out, as I did so I could feel them, sliding, through me, see them, twining around, my hand. Some were huge and long, I diligently, went through all of me, I was riddled, with them, even pulled one out of my ear, and as I was I could hear crackling noises, in my head. They were twined around my brain, to, making me fogged up, and not able to think, making me confused. After pulling out another 7, I breathed, spiritual fire, over them, cleansing them, transmuting their energy into light, letting them, go in forgiveness and love. I was still feeling, them, growing, again, within, me, I decided to use, the spiritual fire, I had been sent, earlier, and visualised, it descending on me, and then, flowing through me, like molten lava, burning away anything that wasn’t, light, and healthful. At the same time, words of power, out loud, asking the fire, to dissolve, transmute, anything, negative, low vibrational, and dark, within me, including implants, letting the lava, sooth and heal, my insides and filling, every bit of me. The snakes, stopped, and were gone.
At last, I thanked my guides and Arch Angel Michael and Source for their help, and apologised, for my moaning at them, earlier.
Then, as I was browsing, through, on the net, info, I come across, an article about replicators and etheric snakes, that others had been attacked, and that certain, organised, darker groups, had been using them as sabotages, against the incarnated, aspects, of the gods, goddesses, and angels work, understanding now, that the snakes, had been coming from an implant, that’s why had been a constant.
Going for another, walk, I was, feeling elated, and energetic, now being healed, and free of these serpents, I was singing, and getting my vibration up, glowing again, and as I walked, around the crystal grid, saying words of power, and reactivating, each crystal, in the grid, visualising, it powering up and reconnecting with the earths grid. I could see the blue purple lines, as the sacred geometric grid, activated. I stood for a while in reflection, thinking. Asking myself how this all had happened, and thankful I was only a day, late, in joining, the grids, for Gaia’s ascension activation. I remembered I had had an unexplained, wound, about the time, the snakes, had started, and then, realised that’s when the implant, had been, implanted into me. Again horrified, as to realising who had at that time, been in my energy, helping me, so I thought, but, in fact, he had implanted, this replicator, into me. Then, I remembered, that the yesterday, he had, also, been given a badge, and on the badge, was, a hawk, in a sun, a symbol of Isis and Horus. A reward, for services, from his mother ships, commander. The sabotage. Feeling saddened, as I realised, my friend, had been used, to sabotage Isis work, and me. I confronted my friend, told him what had happened, he knowing and distrusting an aspect of his higher self, could see what had happened, he knew he had the technology to make the replicator, and the know-how, from, films, he had, seen, and memories, though he himself was innocent of knowing what he had done. He even had the badge on his robes; he had also had a dream, about eating snakes, his consciousness, trying to tell him, what was happening. After discussing, what had happened, and forgiving each, other, for this game, I saw within his energy, a device, with his permission, I breathed, into him, the dragons fiery, breath, the white/gold, spiritual fire, cleansing him, inside and out, of all implants, and devices, impurities, and negativity’s, changing them, transmuting them, into love, and light, high vibrational energy.
Revenge of Isis
I woke up from a great nights sleep, and feeling wonderful, so i went online to find my friend, to see how he was, he was in a weird mood, agitated, he told me he had been whipped through a blue wormhole, and then, downloaded with loads of symbols, and he needed me to to dysiphor them for him, so he sent me through his stargate to his ships consule, to view the symbols on his computor. I made out some symbols but looked like writing to me, in sanskript, but under that i saw it was like a rosetta stone, and there were three, verses of text. " a puzzle for you, " i said, " a past life experiance you need to work out the karma for. " he asked if i could translate, so i asked the computor, to translate and then the english translation came into view, he asked me to ask his computor to read the writing for me as i was having a hard time viewing, astrally. as the computor started to read to me, i was seeing the text unfolding like a movie, was surprised, to see blood , and bodies impaled on spikes, i had the name Vlad come into my head. Then i told him the story of Vlad Dracul and how he had been a warrior in the crusades, and his enermy's had sent a hoax message to his wife declaring him, dead, and how she had thrown herself off the tower, in grief. how when he had come back, and had found her, had turned against the church, and turned to darkness. " "thats Dracula, just a myth" my work collegue said " noo i said he was a real person, and his life story made into a myth, he didn't drink blood," "no but he used to sit and eat his dinner in amongst the dead impaled bodies and laugh," he said. "well he was a warrior and was camped nearby" said i smiling.
"well you'd better research him, and see if you remember him, because it looks like thats when an aspect of your higher self turned dark." my collegue looked at me in horror, o.o i suddenly had visions, of both my work collegue and the sabotague aspect of his higher self looking at me in horror, " ugh no i really dont want to go there, im certainly, not happy at that line of thought." i laughed at my friend and hugged him, saying goodbye as i had to go, but as i left, i suddenly, was engulfed in peels and fits of the giggles, realising what Isis, had, done. taking his astral self , while he had slept, back in time, and tricking him into becoming part of Vlads existance.
Hense getting a satisfactional and sweet revenge." I win, mwahaha see you around Ares,
Revenge of Isis
I woke up from a great nights sleep, and feeling wonderful, so i went online to find my friend, to see how he was, he was in a weird mood, agitated, he told me he had been whipped through a blue wormhole, and then, downloaded with loads of symbols, and he needed me to to dysiphor them for him, so he sent me through his stargate to his ships consule, to view the symbols on his computor. I made out some symbols but looked like writing to me, in sanskript, but under that i saw it was like a rosetta stone, and there were three, verses of text. " a puzzle for you, " i said, " a past life experiance you need to work out the karma for. " he asked if i could translate, so i asked the computor, to translate and then the english translation came into view, he asked me to ask his computor to read the writing for me as i was having a hard time viewing, astrally. as the computor started to read to me, i was seeing the text unfolding like a movie, was surprised, to see blood , and bodies impaled on spikes, i had the name Vlad come into my head. Then i told him the story of Vlad Dracul and how he had been a warrior in the crusades, and his enermy's had sent a hoax message to his wife declaring him, dead, and how she had thrown herself off the tower, in grief. how when he had come back, and had found her, had turned against the church, and turned to darkness. " "thats Dracula, just a myth" my work collegue said " noo i said he was a real person, and his life story made into a myth, he didn't drink blood," "no but he used to sit and eat his dinner in amongst the dead impaled bodies and laugh," he said. "well he was a warrior and was camped nearby" said i smiling.
"well you'd better research him, and see if you remember him, because it looks like thats when an aspect of your higher self turned dark." my collegue looked at me in horror, o.o i suddenly had visions, of both my work collegue and the sabotague aspect of his higher self looking at me in horror, " ugh no i really dont want to go there, im certainly, not happy at that line of thought." i laughed at my friend and hugged him, saying goodbye as i had to go, but as i left, i suddenly, was engulfed in peels and fits of the giggles, realising what Isis, had, done. taking his astral self , while he had slept, back in time, and tricking him into becoming part of Vlads existance.
Hense getting a satisfactional and sweet revenge." I win, mwahaha see you around Ares,
Moral of this story, don't mess with a goddess, lol, smiles, sweetly ~ Seaopal 2012
Moral of this story, don't mess with a goddess, lol, smiles, sweetly ~ Seaopal 2012
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