Wednesday 9 January 2013

Evacuation Earth

The fog seemed, to last for days, “where is the sun, I haven’t seen sunlight, for ages,” I complained, feeling tired and worn, out, going for another, long, deep, sleep, I could hear bleeps, and piercing, sounds in my ear. 

“A news flash, a major, solar flare heading our way, weakening, electromagnetic fields, danger of radiation, Alert. Alert”. Watching the news screen, we saw, the corona holes flareing, jetting out from the sun, in bright streaks. More black, coronal holes sprinkling the sun.

Groggily, waking up from a deep sleep, there was a loud crashing noise, as someone, was banging, on our front door, Sleepily opening the door, it was pushed, open, and armed men, came barging, in. “ Get your things, were evacuating. You have 10 seconds, to prepare.” Quicky gathering my children, together, and some spair, clothes and drink, we went outside, a coach waiting, for us.  

Boarding the coach, was strange the seating, all wrong, more spacious inside than, I had thought would have been, in a standard, coach, and the other people, were … seemed strange to me, I didn’t recognise anyone, and somehow, s I was looking for a seat, I had lost my sons, calling, out for them, frantically looking for, them, I saw one of them, sitting, in a row. So made my way over to him.  This strange, young guy, plonked himself, down, in the seat next to my son, just as I was about to sit there, asking him, politely, if he would move over, he refused, and losing, my temper, I picked him, up by the throat, and bodily moved him, sitting down, next to my son, again surprised at my own strength, apologising to the young man, who, nervously smiled, at me.  

My son seemed different, as well, looking around, all seemed, excited different, in their behaviour, even some looking, strange, to me, strange but familiar, features changing.  Looking like, a bunch, of aliens off star trek.  The conversations, odd to, “well, games over, thank goodness for that,” I heard one lady, speaking, to her partner,  “ so glad I can remember now,” another piece of conversation drifted over to me from behind.  “Where are we heading?” “To the pick-up points, for evacuation”   seemed to be the general drift of the conversations, going on around, me.  Sitting back, in my seat I felt myself drifting back into sleep.

I found myself in a warehouse, with this man; he seemed to know me well. He had just had a delivery of plutonium, seemed, pleased, and while I watched, he turned the tap, on, of the barrel,  and lay under it, soaking it up, and the plutonium, as it seeped out, he seemed, to be like, burning  fire, but like a gas, as he absorbed, the liquid. Moaning in pleasure, as he filled himself, up.  Then, jumping up, he grabbed me for a hug, giving me a dose, of his energy, “there plug yourself in to me,” he laughed, “were going to need this.”   Then, opening the warehouse, door, there was a train, compartments, which we were herded on to.  

Waking up, from my, dream, feeling disorientated , I went outside, for a walk, my younger son, coming with me, was still foggy, no breeze, the mud making the way slippery,  we got talking, and I was, theorising, about the suns, solar flares, what would happen, etc.  how, the scientist, were looking for another planet, that would sustain, humanity, how, they are saving seeds, in an underground vault, and who would be evacuated, first, if the worst, should happen.   Thinking, and thankful that, it had all been a dream…. Or was it?.....      ~ Seaopal

*note from author, fanfic based, on a vivid and weird dream,*

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