Wednesday 9 January 2013

Did I jump dimentions?

I had been noticing subtle differences, in my life,  myself and family, I sometimes feel, slightly disorientated, and have been, noticing changes, in my area, i.e., signs, and bus stop changes, when I never have seen them being renewed, also slight changes, in my husband, i.e., one day come down, and he was sitting in the kitchen, doing accounts, and wearing reading glasses, o.o he is has never, ever in 18 years of marriage ever attempted to do, accounts, as he hates maths, and has to still use his fingers to count, also doesn’t like to were glasses, another time, I found him, reading a book, and again surprised me, as he is severely dyslexic, and a very slow, reader, so doesn’t, read, when I asked him, about it he told me he has always read, and done accounts, :? giggles, I feel I am maybe, jumping, dimensions, my own personal ones, a friend once, told me he jumps, all the time, and best way for him, is using mirrors.

It was Christmas eve, and  I was at a friend’s house, and a strange thing happened, I was in a room, with two mirrors, and found myself standing in between them, in the hallway and a doorway in between the two rooms, noticing, that I could see 8 of me in one mirror, so was looking down the tunnel of mirrors, to my 8th me reflected in them, when I waved, at me, and smiled, I cant recollect the others me reflections, waved, back, and at the same time, the dog, who was asleep, on the floor, lifted up her head and growled, at me, as that happened,  I felt dizzy, and felt vibrations, in my body, and felt like my body had shifted. Even though I wasn’t moving. Then, when I felt less dizzy a split second, after, the dog repeated her actions, lifted her head, and growled at, me, then, saw it was me, and settled again. on the way home, I noticed, differences in the scenery, on the way out, the roads, had seemed cleaner, fresher lines, painted , newer looking signs, but on the way back home, the roads, signs, building s all looked dirty, old, and worn, looking,  faded, felt like I had gone, back, to a previous dimension,  where I was more grounded. so whether this was all my imagination, or whether I really did, cause, myself to jump into another dimension of mine, I’m not sure, still keeping my, eye, on, my surroundings to see if there’s any subtle changes,. Smiles.
 Just wondered, what had actually, happened, to me, my sons, been theorising, that it was a time loop, ( he has been theorising, on time travel, teleportation, dimensions, act since, he was, six,) where I have been wondering, if, I actually, had merged, back, with 8 of my selves, (don’t know how but I’ve always known, I was 9d, nine of me), and then, taken, myself back in time, a split second, that’s why , the dog , seemed to repeat her actions, the same as the first time. But Jake, my son, thinks, that if we merged, back, into ourselves all at once, that would create, a paradox, and I would implode, well then, I said, well that’s why I would have taken, myself, back, a few seconds, in time, so that would not happen. But I would, still have merged, or jumped, but I am feeling, like I have actually, merged, my other, dimensional selves, back into me. Just theorising, smiles, wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on this, at the time, I felt, my body shifting, and vibrating. As well as disorientated and dizzy, though I was standing still. Smiles. ~Seaopal

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