Monday 17 October 2016

Mars Mission.. Ships Log, Stardate 94394.51

I had such an eventful night, I don't feel like I'd slept at all....

The Insectoids, were lovely, like small children, but look alot like ants, with huge beautiful expressive black eyes.   When I met them, my heart filled with love and compassion for them and their plight, and tears welled, in my eyes.

There were four colonies on Mars, the Terran colonists were removed, earlier.
I think the Draconi colony sorted themselves out, as did the Reptoids.And the Amtoid Insectoids, who were requireing our assistance.

The planet is now unstable and we had to evacuate the remaining, indigenous, Antoids, to a safe place, we then went into the planet and were exploring the damage, done, while the battle raged on over us, on the surface and amidst the stars. We  found the ancient ruins, great red pillars, pyramids, sphinxes.  buried, sunken and forgotten, lost remnants of great civilisations.

 It all started earlier in the day, whilst taking our dog for a walk, it  was a cloudy night, and full moon, but some stars were visible,  I saw, the planet Mars, but noticed she was spinning, and twinkling, which was odd, as I saw her, I immediately, felt like I was lifted, and floating, I lent heavily on my staff, to balance,  "wooooaaa!!". Then felt myself lowered gently down again. I carried on walking home, but after that sensation, I felt very ungrounded, light and dizzy almost motion sick, like I was being transported and was moving on a ship.

I sat on my bed, and logged into my laptop, and was listening to some Psy-trance music on headphones, loud, when the sound went weird, my headphones stopped working, and there was all this metalic,chirping insect type of sounds, coming loudly through my speakers, so I turned the laptop off, and went downstairs to reboot the system. Then went on the desk top computor.   

I was still feeling really  motion sick, and dizzy, and even when I was walking I was swaying like I was on a ship on a stormy sea.  I pimmed my spiritual co-worker/partner, and asked him, and he confirmed I was actually on Mars.   Also confirming, that the planet and inhabitants were in great distress.

I was'nt sure what the problem was, and re- remembered the noises on my laptop, realizing, that it was the Martians, trying to communicate with me, but I had trouble understanding their excited and babbling chirping, as they were all trying to talk at once. But I had felt the underlying, emotions, and distress.

I later took my dog for another, walk, and a big thick, black cloud, was covering  Mars  to the east of me, so I was not  able to see it. But when I looked over towards the bright full moon, peeping in between, the fluffy white clouds, to the west, of me, I saw a huge Insectoid skull face image in the clouds.  

 I then tried to settle down for the night. But was receiving, vision after vision, of the events unfolding on Mars, as I described earlier. and experienced, my alternative selfs life.    Finally able to get to sleep in the later hours of the  morning, feeling exhausted, but accomplished that I had done my best in helping them, and that the Antoid colony were for now, safe, although I could' nt  say, about the condition, of the planet Mars herself. Will have to wait and hope she's recovers, oh, we have placed a protective, bubble  barrier around her,  for the protection, of the rest of the galaxy, and beings,  in the event that she does in-plode. Hoping, that, doe'snt happen, but have to be prepared.

... an update...    we found, the charges, 6 in all, all on a  timer, and placed in strategic places, throughout the ruins, on  the interior,   we have detonated, in controlled synchronized, explosions. 
The planet gave out a big sigh of breathe, expanded, and absorbed the explosions, safely.   We are  now hoping, we can return the inhabitant, colonies, as soon, as were sure the planet is now safe for them.  a successful conclusion.  Mission accomplished. 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Love Lifted. by Seaopal 09.12.2015

It was a beautiful day for December, clear, cloudless, blue skies, brilliant, sunshine, a slight frost on the ground, bare trees, glistening, reflecting light from the morning dew, and I had, had a wonderful night, sleeping in what felt like the arms, of my guardian  angel Archangel Gabriel.  
Finding myself in a state of peace, deep in my heart, feeling comforted loved, and protected.

I was waiting for my sister to pick me up to go visit with her and her babies, i knew it was a special day, felt an excitement, as I stood waiting, I gazed at Solaris Ra, soaking in his light, as he flared brightly in the morning, sky.
 As we drove of I noted the slight changes, in my surroundings, and decided I was in a magical reality, we  parked outside the local supermarket, while my sister brought her grocery's, I was left holding the baby.
 I looked at the church clock to see what colour the face was, noting that, it was the new clock face, black with gold numerals, and golden flags on the turret  usually, when I'm at the local store, the clock face is a warn out and faded blue with tarnished gold numerals, and no gold flags on the turrets
but one way for me to tell which dimension, I'm in is by the colour of the clock face. so confirmed i was in a higher vibrational dimension.

We drove back to her house, and had a brunch and coffee, and was chatting, about sisters things, and family then, i got out my tarot cards for a weekly reading, As i was just about to read my sisters cards for her, i noticed, on the white curtain, there were shadow of letters and numbers being cast in the sunlight,   Z 9 n S    which to me looked like the name  Zeus,  my sister got up to examine the shadows, and concluded they were part of  a  back to front shadow cast by the letter stickers she had on the window, which said Let it snow,  getting back to my reading, i was telling her, about shadows, and different perspectives, when we both come over dizzy, and disorientated, she suddenly felt tired,
and i suddenly felt, my hair moving about on my head, like someone was caressing my head. I said to my sister about it and she could see my hair moving, like it was being stroked,

Suddenly, I felt this wonderful energy come over me, like a gentle breeze, I felt like I was being hugged, in strong, and loving arms, and felt my soul being lifted out of me in blissful, love and peace. felt a gentle squeeze all about me. I said to my sister laughing I felt like i was going to levitate. and we remembered last time I had felt Zeus, embracing, me. Awesome and Amazing, experience. ♥

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Hiden in the Depths, deep cleaning,

The pains were getting worse, like burning spears piercing, my back and heart, the fears, worries, burning a hole through my chest. My spiritual councelor suggested, the spear may have a message for me, so I closed my eyes and followed the spear, into my heart, where tied onto the very end, there was a scroll, unwinding, the scroll, I saw that it was an ancient contract, scanning through it, quickly, my guide, told me to burn it, and destroy the contract, so I reached in my pocket for a lighter, and set it alight, watching the scroll burning, from the lower left hand corner, as the scroll burned, ashes falling to the ground,  I saw from the glow of the fire, that I was in a cavern, in the darkness, I saw a vague shape, glowing, an eerie, turquise green light, like an inner sun...  then, in my minds eye, I saw him…

The dragon, quietly, watching me, from a dark, corner of the cavern,   his eye looking huge, watching me, glowing, that unearthly, turquise green,  “oh,”  I said to my guide, “Ive been here before, its the Shadow Dragons cave,”  above me were huge bats, like prehistoric pterodactils flying, around my head, huge wings spread, out as they silently, soared.  Looking down at were I was kneeling, I saw I was crouching on a pile of gold and gems, treasure, shining in the gloom, again, I was surprised, “oh” I said, “ its the Dragons treasure,”

 Close by me, there was a pile of old, dusty and tattered scrolls, bundled and loose, falling out of an anceint looking chest, some tied with red ribbon, others, half unrolled, “ look at the scroll, scan them, then burn them,” my guide, told, me, nodding, I did as I was told, not feeling at all frightened, that the dragon, was watching me, rifling through his treasure.  All the documents, were as the previous ones, old and ancient, contracts, signed, from previous lifetimes, Soul contracts…

As I sat going through each one, I burned, them in turn, holding the top right corner, as the flames licked, up from the bottom, left, turning the parchment, into, blackened, ashes, falling in flaming, drips, to the treasure below, as the scrolls, were destroyed, I felt, the pain, in my back, spreading out, like a molten lake, spreading across my shoulders, down my spine, round my ribcage, through my heart, feeling hotter and hotter, but not pinpointed, in one, specific area, as before,  and as the pain, spread out like a lethal poison, through my veins, I felt a cold energy, coming over my head, and spreading, over me,a waterfall of spirit, like a wonderful blissful orgasm, as my soul gently, rose up out of my body, and resettled, back into myself, again.

Now concentrating back on the cavern, I burned, more scrolls, a clock face appeared,in my mind, with the hands, racing backwards, quickly, time reversing, changing my past, and history as I destroyed the contracts, setting myself free, from those, addicted, reactions, thoughts and feelings, regrets, and sorrows, setting myself, free, of the self imposed restrictions, and fears.

Monday 27 October 2014

Dancing with the pale Knight

The shadows, gathered around me, in the dusk of the night,  as I drifted  into sleep, my attention, was caught by a soft glowing form, floating  around me, in  the  pale moonlight.
  Forming, into a figure, with a billowing ragged cape, tattered and torn,  like immense, and powerful  wings. His  hood, softly falling over his face, a pale, glowing skull, dark, hollow eyes sockets, watching with an empty stare. 
 I felt his embrace, wrapping me in his arms, in  loving display,  soothing my fears.   He held me gently, as I  felt him lifting me,  we glided, into the clouds, and there  I was,  dancing with the pale Knight.    It  seemed like an eternity, we danced, in our loving ways.  Swaying, with  hypnotic  rythmn,  as time was delayed.
  He gathered me in his arms, again, as we drifted back down, to were my body laid.    As I turned,  over in my sleep, still wrapped, in his embrace.  The  shadows,  gathered around me, as he floated away. And I slept, til the light of day.  ~Seaopal

Sunday 18 May 2014

Messages from spirit, "completion of the first phase, time for transformation,"

16 May 2014 at 22:01
I  encountered a strange, message and drama,  as i was on my daily walk, over the fields.   I was stopped, short in my strolll, by a magpie, landing on the telephone wires,  above my head, so i greeted the magpie, "hello", i said, and he bowed, and chirped, 3 times, i repeated "hello", he again bowed and chirped, 3 times, i said "hello" once, more and he bowed and chirped, 3 times, then flew of ahead of me. so i carried on walking, thinking about the occurance. 

  As i was looking ahead, i saw a commotion in the trees before, me.  two magpies, and a raven, fighting, in the top, of a mountian ash tree,   as there were some broken eggs, under the tree, a few days ago, i assumned, the two magies, were trying to pinch, the eggs, from the nest, of the raven,   and "tutted" at the squabbling birds, then was showered with magpie feathers.     I picked, all the feathers, up, noted there were  18  white and black feather,s and wrapped, them in a dock leaf, for safe keeping, and attached, the leaf, to my elder, walking staff,  the birds flew off, so i carried on with my walk whilst watching the butterlfys, damselflys and dragonflys,  flitting, about me.  and enjoying the warm sunshine and  cloudless  blue sky.    Deep in thought as to what this bird drama,  may have meant.   as a message for me.    

A little futher on, i saw a beautiful buzzard, gliding in circles, on the thermals, over the fields, looking for dinner,    and was surprised, to see  a raven, swoop, down, and dive bomb the buzzard, attacking it. the buzzard, beign the bigger bird.   i watched, amazed as three times, the raven attacked, the poor buzzard, and the buzzard, avoided the attacks, and moved out of the way, still gliding effertlessly, and ignoring the irritating, raven, whilst the raven, flapped, angrily, and eventually  retreated flying away, from the buzzard,  "Ahhh"   i thought, it was the raven that was attacking the two magpies, who must have been protecting, their nest, from the raven.    hense why i got showered with magpie feather,s .    

notes,   magpie bowed 3 times 3,   3+3+3= 9
            magpie feather s 18,          1+8   = 9 
            caterpillers, 5,

 9 Fruit of the spirit; Divine completeness from the Father

Raven is about the magical act of creation, internal magic and transformation along with miracle of a rebirth. Raven tells us to be aware of omens that become a harbinger of the mystical and exotic. He can show how to stir life without fear and teach to balance life's playful aspects. Raven also brings in the light of awareness and knowledge with opportunities of great changes that are in store for you. Raven will teach how to usher in these new energies. He shows how to dive into the depths of the inner being to illuminate the true self. Are you ready to uncover past conflicts and long forgotten emotional issues? Raven will teach how to transform your spirit. From the deepest part of you healing begins. What has been in darkness will now emerge into the light.
 raven darkness,

Magpie teaches proper use of knowledge that is about to be revealed. He will present opportunities to illuminate what is hidden and the intelligence to discern and incorporate what you already know. Perceptions and old ways of thinking will be tested as you become more self-aware. Magpie will help with the transition of understanding so you can break free from those illusions. He instructs when to move at a steady pace and when to rest between endeavors. He indicates a time of heightened creativity and inspiration that expands outward to aid others. Is it time to do that writing you have been neglecting? Magpie will help you find your voice. Trust your senses! He teaches balance and timing of speaking of one's mind along with balancing lessons of light and dark. He will aid in recognizing and understanding such polarities. Magpie teaches maneuverability, taking opportunities and chances, the ability to forage for truths. Magpie medicine indicates seizing opportunities when they arise so trust your intuition, grasp the meaning and the moment. Be conscious of synchronicities and inquisitive of nature's magical mysteries for new knowledge is available. He demonstrates the properties of high intelligence, complex social/family/home connections, relationships, communication and the ability to multitask in short bursts. Magpie's lesson occurs in three stages; preparation and building time about 45 days, the next stage last four weeks and the final stage over 2 months. Incorporating new knowledge takes time. The color of Magpie will aid more in understanding its lesson, whether it is black/white or blue/green.

  2 magpies, 2 for joy
  magpies black and white balance, of light and dark,

Buzzard or Vulture teaches the power of purification of the mind, body and spirit. Vulture aids accomplishing tasks through great patience and vision, using your sense of smell and discernment, and how to glide and soar with your own energy. He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness. Buzzard can teach confidence and the ability to stand with dignity and soar with clarity and purpose. He shows how to seek a new and heightened vision while increasing sensitivity. It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening?
 a god of a bird,

The infant stage prior to transformation, teaches patience that all things will come to fruition in nature's time and not before, perfect timing and time of growth and harvesting, preparation period. Notice how you are moving like the caterpillar; inching along, resting, rapidly moving, pausing now and then. Caterpillar qualities will show one should move for the moment. His lessons of movement and preparedness is for the greater good of the transformation that will be arriving. Are you ready? 

Major transformations and transmutations taking place, outcome is different than expected. Symbol of joy, color, gentleness, lightness, and change in life. Awakens us to dance on the winds of life, teaches that growth doesn't have to be painful, allows us to discover the important issues in life for conscious transformation. Can you discern what is important right now? Don't sweat the small stuff, be joyful and thankful for your blessings.

Dragonfly embodies the pure essence and beautiful balance of changes in emotional/mental aspects and the effects on the body, mind and spirit. Her message speaks of transformation; shedding old illusions, releasing old perceptions and changing habits. Change IS inevitable. Dragonfly teaches the mastery of moving with speed, agility and precision with grace. She prepares you for a heightened period of intuition, visions, dreams and overall visual and spiritual acuity. She speaks true transformation with many changes that are very swift with emphasis on the emotional and un/subconscious. She teaches changes can be positive or negative, it depends on your level of acceptance of that change - just accept and allow the rebirth to happen. She reminds you of the spiritual support by the many that are assisting your development. It is time to keep your balance in the storm. Dragonfly will guide you through the transformation. Upon completion you will be filled with light, color and a new found joy with a sense of enlightenment and freedom. You will gain wisdom in the process. Dragonfly medicine will aid in the beautiful balance of the changing time. Ready or not, change IS coming. Also if you seeking out pieces of your life that need changing Dragonfly will also aid in this search. The time period for Dragonfly's immediate lesson spans about 2 months, this is the time period for your whirlwind transformation. It may take up to 4 years to adjust and discover the ramifications of the event(s). Dragonfly teaches with acceptance and internal fortitude the time period after the initial event can be shorter or longer. Change is indeed a process. Dragonfly energy is a gift - listen carefully.

raven attacking a buzzard,
raven attacking a buzzard,

broad bodied female full grown dragonfly,

Date for me to watch out for, maybe you to, 9th of the 9th,   back in march, i had a dream,   i dreamt, that my deceased, mother in law, had hold of my arm, and was pulling me, keeping me from leaving, the room, i tired to escape, to leave, through the door,   but she was holding on tightly to me,  then, she let go, and, my husband, walked out the door.  when i woke, my wirst, and hand hurt, like it was being held tightly, still hurts, now, ever since, march,  my taort cards, also, show me four of swords, holding on to tightly,   in my dream i kept seieng 9, 9,    i asked myself what 9 9 meant,   and i whispered, out loud, not in my own voice, 9th of the 9th,  which happens, to be my husbands, birthday.   and coresponds with the message i resceived from nature, today.

It is a request to begin the Apocalypse. Refuse the feather if you see any hope in your future. If you accept the feather, your entire community will be obliterated. This is the right of indigenous war. The fathers that meet with great powers have offered that power only to the daughters. The daughters have such hope and joy of life and can be the only ones trusted to decide if the children can survive the next generation of this world. Don't touch or move the feather, or you will certainly see all death. Only another daughter can place the feather there before you. She is from the other side of the four winds. You can't see her, but apparently she can see you. The elder has observed whether or not this is a con job or set up. What witches magic can manifest this? The end decision is a final one. They will decide if you are the star or if you are not the star. If you are refused your power, do not go to war with the fathers or you will certainly die.      native american folk rite,     

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Journey to the center of me, - a visualisation meditation 20/04/2014

 In my troubled, darkness, drowning in despair, like I was sinking, into the unfathomable places.  A friend suggested that I go through a stargate portal to the earth’s inner core for light to purge, me.
So I imagined, a stargate portal, and went through.
I was instantly traveling through wormhole tunnels, to the earth’s core, brown earthly tunnels glowing a warm rich reddish glow, I found that I was like a ball of fire, traveling through the earth, burning and consuming all that gets in my way.  But as I whooshed further down into the depths of the earth, I felt claustrophobic, walls closing in on me, burying me, in darkness, lights going out.
“It’s  getting darker, my fire  going out,  can’t see now, just darkness, me, in the dark tunnels, like being buried underground, hoping, i will see light soon then, as I’m still traveling, downwards, seeing a reddish glow, in the darkness.”  I told my friend, as I was falling.
“I can see the Dragons eye,  watching me,  I’m in  a cavern, dark , with turquoise, deep blue water,  I see a light, glowing, in a corner of the cavern, walking towards it, glowing, mounds of gold, and treasure, oh, I’m  in the dragons den, I see his eye, watching, I’m getting closer, going into his eye, into the dragon,”
Waves like water rippling from me, through him, seemed to be a battle going on, energy and colours, swirling, in no form or shape, mingling, and merging.
“I’m firing up again, my lights being rekindled, its cloudy, like a mist, all around me, glowing, Smokey.”
 I carried on down, down through the earthly tunnels, again into the very core of me, I see the central sun, burning, brightly, a beautiful yellow/green sun, letting the light, consume, me, my energy swirling and swimming, bathing, in the light and warmth, around the central sun,   sparking me up again, and bringing me out of my depths, of darkness, and despair.     Smiles.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Waking from the Dead, Quantum jumping, 12/04/2014

I felt so drained,  tired, de-feted, and depressed, I  felt like giving up, so  fell  into an exhausted sleep.  was an odd, sleep, I did'nt feel like I was asleep. i felt myself sinking, into darkness, wanting to go and stay in the depths, and shadows, as i drifted into nothingness  I became aware of some gates, with two Egyptian, type of cherubim, sitting over them, the angels wings, were facing each other, like guarding the gates, alot like the angels on top of the ark of the covenant.  
   I then  seemed to be flying away from the gates, not sure if I passed through them or got turned away,  falling, flying  through a red haze of lightening and fire, it was like being inside, my own skull, but my skull being a ruby crystal skull,  as I fell into myself again, I started to choke, cough and splutter, catching my breath, as i gradually came to,  I  felt like I was wakeing up from the dead.
Upon waking up I was suddenly filled with alot of energy,  I felt like a different person, felt more confident, and bubbly, and even looked slimmer, smiles.