Wednesday 7 January 2015

Hiden in the Depths, deep cleaning,

The pains were getting worse, like burning spears piercing, my back and heart, the fears, worries, burning a hole through my chest. My spiritual councelor suggested, the spear may have a message for me, so I closed my eyes and followed the spear, into my heart, where tied onto the very end, there was a scroll, unwinding, the scroll, I saw that it was an ancient contract, scanning through it, quickly, my guide, told me to burn it, and destroy the contract, so I reached in my pocket for a lighter, and set it alight, watching the scroll burning, from the lower left hand corner, as the scroll burned, ashes falling to the ground,  I saw from the glow of the fire, that I was in a cavern, in the darkness, I saw a vague shape, glowing, an eerie, turquise green light, like an inner sun...  then, in my minds eye, I saw him…

The dragon, quietly, watching me, from a dark, corner of the cavern,   his eye looking huge, watching me, glowing, that unearthly, turquise green,  “oh,”  I said to my guide, “Ive been here before, its the Shadow Dragons cave,”  above me were huge bats, like prehistoric pterodactils flying, around my head, huge wings spread, out as they silently, soared.  Looking down at were I was kneeling, I saw I was crouching on a pile of gold and gems, treasure, shining in the gloom, again, I was surprised, “oh” I said, “ its the Dragons treasure,”

 Close by me, there was a pile of old, dusty and tattered scrolls, bundled and loose, falling out of an anceint looking chest, some tied with red ribbon, others, half unrolled, “ look at the scroll, scan them, then burn them,” my guide, told, me, nodding, I did as I was told, not feeling at all frightened, that the dragon, was watching me, rifling through his treasure.  All the documents, were as the previous ones, old and ancient, contracts, signed, from previous lifetimes, Soul contracts…

As I sat going through each one, I burned, them in turn, holding the top right corner, as the flames licked, up from the bottom, left, turning the parchment, into, blackened, ashes, falling in flaming, drips, to the treasure below, as the scrolls, were destroyed, I felt, the pain, in my back, spreading out, like a molten lake, spreading across my shoulders, down my spine, round my ribcage, through my heart, feeling hotter and hotter, but not pinpointed, in one, specific area, as before,  and as the pain, spread out like a lethal poison, through my veins, I felt a cold energy, coming over my head, and spreading, over me,a waterfall of spirit, like a wonderful blissful orgasm, as my soul gently, rose up out of my body, and resettled, back into myself, again.

Now concentrating back on the cavern, I burned, more scrolls, a clock face appeared,in my mind, with the hands, racing backwards, quickly, time reversing, changing my past, and history as I destroyed the contracts, setting myself free, from those, addicted, reactions, thoughts and feelings, regrets, and sorrows, setting myself, free, of the self imposed restrictions, and fears.

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