Monday 17 October 2016

Mars Mission.. Ships Log, Stardate 94394.51

I had such an eventful night, I don't feel like I'd slept at all....

The Insectoids, were lovely, like small children, but look alot like ants, with huge beautiful expressive black eyes.   When I met them, my heart filled with love and compassion for them and their plight, and tears welled, in my eyes.

There were four colonies on Mars, the Terran colonists were removed, earlier.
I think the Draconi colony sorted themselves out, as did the Reptoids.And the Amtoid Insectoids, who were requireing our assistance.

The planet is now unstable and we had to evacuate the remaining, indigenous, Antoids, to a safe place, we then went into the planet and were exploring the damage, done, while the battle raged on over us, on the surface and amidst the stars. We  found the ancient ruins, great red pillars, pyramids, sphinxes.  buried, sunken and forgotten, lost remnants of great civilisations.

 It all started earlier in the day, whilst taking our dog for a walk, it  was a cloudy night, and full moon, but some stars were visible,  I saw, the planet Mars, but noticed she was spinning, and twinkling, which was odd, as I saw her, I immediately, felt like I was lifted, and floating, I lent heavily on my staff, to balance,  "wooooaaa!!". Then felt myself lowered gently down again. I carried on walking home, but after that sensation, I felt very ungrounded, light and dizzy almost motion sick, like I was being transported and was moving on a ship.

I sat on my bed, and logged into my laptop, and was listening to some Psy-trance music on headphones, loud, when the sound went weird, my headphones stopped working, and there was all this metalic,chirping insect type of sounds, coming loudly through my speakers, so I turned the laptop off, and went downstairs to reboot the system. Then went on the desk top computor.   

I was still feeling really  motion sick, and dizzy, and even when I was walking I was swaying like I was on a ship on a stormy sea.  I pimmed my spiritual co-worker/partner, and asked him, and he confirmed I was actually on Mars.   Also confirming, that the planet and inhabitants were in great distress.

I was'nt sure what the problem was, and re- remembered the noises on my laptop, realizing, that it was the Martians, trying to communicate with me, but I had trouble understanding their excited and babbling chirping, as they were all trying to talk at once. But I had felt the underlying, emotions, and distress.

I later took my dog for another, walk, and a big thick, black cloud, was covering  Mars  to the east of me, so I was not  able to see it. But when I looked over towards the bright full moon, peeping in between, the fluffy white clouds, to the west, of me, I saw a huge Insectoid skull face image in the clouds.  

 I then tried to settle down for the night. But was receiving, vision after vision, of the events unfolding on Mars, as I described earlier. and experienced, my alternative selfs life.    Finally able to get to sleep in the later hours of the  morning, feeling exhausted, but accomplished that I had done my best in helping them, and that the Antoid colony were for now, safe, although I could' nt  say, about the condition, of the planet Mars herself. Will have to wait and hope she's recovers, oh, we have placed a protective, bubble  barrier around her,  for the protection, of the rest of the galaxy, and beings,  in the event that she does in-plode. Hoping, that, doe'snt happen, but have to be prepared.

... an update...    we found, the charges, 6 in all, all on a  timer, and placed in strategic places, throughout the ruins, on  the interior,   we have detonated, in controlled synchronized, explosions. 
The planet gave out a big sigh of breathe, expanded, and absorbed the explosions, safely.   We are  now hoping, we can return the inhabitant, colonies, as soon, as were sure the planet is now safe for them.  a successful conclusion.  Mission accomplished. 

1 comment:

  1. Stardate 73259.2 update.... transmissions throughout the night.... through my speakers excited chirping and metalic sounds, a clicking, and a kind of morse code beeping, inbetween, static and white noise... safe return to mars colonies, for the inhabitants of mars, the planet is not habitable again, and safe. smiles,
