Saturday 28 December 2013

Aphrodites Return,


Truly beautiful vision, 11pm
As I was lying in the darkened, room, listening, to binaural music, on headphones, candles alight, and incense, burning,   laying naked, with my crystals, spread over me, in the tree of life quabala layout, on my chakras. 

Closing my eyes, I was moving, travelling, flying , the ground, beneath me,  looked like it was collapsing, behind, a frightened,   herd, of cattle, running fast over prairies, dust clouds rising, behind, them, as the land, sunk, giant sink holes, forming, the cattle looked like bison, a huge herd.
Then, I was in a ship, a weird looking space craft,  Hugh domed, ceiling,  green blue, colours,  the entrance, was in an A formation, lots of As  within each other. 

 I was crying out, in pain, and darkness, loneliness, abandonment, hopelessness. 

 Then I was back, in my bed, looking up, I saw lots of beautiful white horses, coming towards, me, then, one, jumped, over me, and I saw it was Pegasus, I felt so much love, calling out with tears streaming down, my face, “I Love You Pegasus”, I felt joy and great love, on seeing him, and saw the beautiful huge white wings, and his belly, as though I was looking up from underneath, him.   Then, he landed, and stopped.

 I saw, a giantess of a goddess, roughly 7ft tall. dismount,
  as she came towards, me, getting closer,  she was beautiful, long, flowing, golden, blonde hair, all around, her, floating, with light and energy, sparkling, from her hair, like golden, white lightening,   down to her waist,  she was  tall, curvaceous,  powerful,  wearing a white short, toga type dress, thing, with a golden girdle  and golden sandals, on her feet.

 The light, all around, her shone, a golden, white light, I never saw her face, but she walked towards, me, powerful, loving, strong, purposeful, confident, she walked closer and closer, as I welcomed her back to me, my soul, “I Love You , Aphrodite”, smiles, crying, she came into me.
 Feeling stronger, loved, cared for, more able bodied, as she settled, back into me, I writhed, arching, my back, my limbs, bones, cracking, stretching, to accommodate her size, as she shrank to fit me, and I grew, to fit her, merging, with one another, into one, I creaked and crunched, my muscles, taunt, tears streaming, down, my face, with joy, and love at her return, to me.  Smiles,

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Spiritual Signs, Lessons, and a familier poem, ~ Seaopal

 24th October 2013 I saw a partridge, flying out of the bushes,
Partridge -- A human spirit that has come to live on Earth as animal in order to serve the Goddess.,,(In the Greek myth of 'Perdix', who was one of the sacred children of 'Athene', Perdix was thrown from a tower to the sea. He was saved by the Goddess and carried to heaven in the form of a bird. "Perdix was the partridge and Athene was the pear tree.") 
 25th october, 2031   I saw 2 turtle doves,    And my attention was bought to my Quince bush, where I found, a Quince fruit laying at my feet, and picked 3, turns out the quince is a apple/pear. pome
Mourning Doves get their name because of the distinct melancholic “woo-oo-oo” sound that evokes the feeling of misery owing to the loss of a dear one. However, the symbol of mourning doves is spiritual as well as optimistic. Though the sound of this bird is sorrowful, it symbolizes peace, renewal and hope in a refreshing life.
Mourning doves have multiple references in Bible. This bird is considered as The Holy Spirit that descended on Jesus when he emerged from water. In the story of Noah’s Ark where huge floods destroyed people and property, the dove returned with an olive branch when the floods have died down to convey the message that it was safe to venture out. Hence, the symbol of the dove with a twig signifies hope, reassurance and peace.

The Twelve Days Of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me A partridge in a pear tree.
 On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying ,Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six
geese a-laying, Five golden rings.  Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans
a-swimming, six geese a-laying, Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids
a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.
 On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree.

The Meaning Behind The Song

   The twelve days of Christmas are the twelve days between Christmas Day, Dec. 25th, the birth of Jesus, and the Epiphany, Jan. 6th, the day Christians celebrate the arrival of the Magi (Wise Men) and the revelation of Christ as the light of the world.
   The Christmas song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" may sound silly and contrived to many of us. But it actually had its origins in religious symbolism - and with a serious purpose.
   It dates from a time of religious persecution. The song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," was written as a kind of secret catechism that could sing in public without fear of arrest - a learning or memory aid to Christians in fact.
   The song can be taken at two levels of interpretation - the surface meaning, or the hidden meaning known only to the Christians involved. Each element is a code word for a religious truth.

1. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus.
2. The two turtledoves are the Old and New Testaments.
3. Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love.
4. The four calling birds are the four Gospels.
5. The five gold rings recall the Hebrew Torah (Law), or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament.
6. The six geese a-laying stand for the six days of creation.
7. The seven swans a-swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
8. The eight maids a-milking are the eight Beatitudes.
9. Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.
10. The ten lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments.
11. Eleven pipers piping represent the eleven faithful Apostles.
12. Twelve drummers drumming symbolize the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles Creed.

   If you think Jesus being symbolized as a partridge in a pear tree sounds blasphemous, remember:
"Jerusalem! Jerusalem! How often would I have sheltered thee under my wings, as a hen does her chicks, but thou wouldst not have it so." (Luke 13:34 and Matthew 23:34)
   The "true love" in the song refers to God Himself.
   The "me" receiving the gifts is every Christian.
   So that "silly" song we sing at Christmas time has more meaning than we thought.

not sure why im gettign these, signs, now, when christmas, is two months, away, but, maybe there is another, message, here, im not getting,  and i wonder if i will be seeing the rest of the poem, in nature, smiles.  to be continued....

26th october 2013 

o.o  just got the third verse, sign, in a random picture, on fb, 3 manderin female ducks, i spose they could pass as french hens, giggles, looks like fancy hens, with all their fluffy, feather,s smiles,
3. Three French hens stand for faith, hope and love.
was wondering how id see the third, sign in the countdown, smiles, wonder, if i will get, the four calling birds,tomorrow,

27th oct 2013

 Fourth sign, Four Beautiful Dolphins singing in the sunset, calling, to the stars, smiles.

another random picture that appeared on my fb, but its the closest, i have seen today, that fits, the "four calling bird,s" also what are the dolphins, are calling to...

4. The four calling birds, in the spiritual meaning of the poem, are the four Gospels.

Alternatively the four winds or spirits/ gods/angels,

angel of the north, angel of the south, angel of the west, angel of the east, or the four horsemen, which also corresponds, to a vision, i had, on the 23rd oct, when i saw the four horsemen, waiting, to be called, into action.

28th oct 2013

Fifth sign   Circles, of golden light radiating, rippling, out from the centre, of a calm, pool of water, in rings, of emotion and love,  reflecting, the beauty of the suns, rays.
another random pic, on my fb,
5. The five gold rings - recall the Hebrew Torah (Law), or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament.
coincides with the vision, i just had, of the burning bush, and instructions.  smiles. 
 29th oct 2013 

sixth sign,  a golden egg with the earth inside waiting to be born, or re-born, representing, creation,or re-creation,  6 being the number of mankind and humanity, and the creation "times",  the golden egg, being the golden  goose's egg  of the story,  jack and the beanstalk, smiles.  another random pic, that popped, up on my fb, feed.

30th oct 2013

Seventh sign, this was a bit harder, and I  nearly missed, it, 7 random pictures, on my fb wall, of Ballet dancers, all in red, dancing, okay, here  goes, smiles.
Ballet Dancers = Swan Lake,  so the 7 swans,
Synchronised Swimming, = dancing,  each dancers dance having a meaning,

7. The seven swans a-swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to live a holy Christian life. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
  1. Wisdom - desire for the things of God, and to direct our whole life and all our actions to His honor and glory
  2. Understanding - enable us to know more clearly the mysteries of faith
  3. Counsel - warn us of the deceits of the devil, and of the dangers to salvation
  4. Fortitude - strengthen us to do the will of God in all things
  5. Knowledge - enable us to discover the will of God in all things
  6. Piety - love God as a Father, and obey Him because we love Him
  7. Fear of the Lord - have a dread of sin and fear of offending God



The Eigth  sign, this was really hard, for me, and i had to be given a few hints,  as i just didnt know, what i was looking out for, and i was just saying to a friend, about it when a post popped, up on fb, and shouted out a clue to me,smiles,


o.o  ok so im not looking for wet nurses, lol, am looking for angels, got it, snickerz, ugh smiles.
but still wasnt seeing the clue,


then, i was called into a trance, and i saw a black eye come into me, of a feathered serpent, when i asked who he was he told me Quetzalcoatl he looked a bit like a black raven from the front, but the back was like a feathered, serpent/cross birds, tail.

The god Quetzalcoatl, is the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. He is the god intelligence and self-reflection, a patron of priests.
Quetzalcoatl is a primordial god of creation, a giver of life. With his opposite Tezcatlipoca he created the world. Quetzalcoatl is also called White Tezcatlipoca, to contrast him to the black Tezcatlipoca.

As the Lord of the East he is associated with the morning star, his twin brother Xolotl was the evening star (Venus). As the morning star he was known by the name Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, "lord of the star of the dawn." An other representation of Quetzalcoatl is Ehecatl, the Wind God. His calendrical name is Ce Acatl (One Reed).

After the last world, the Fourth Sun had been destroyed, Quetzalcoatl went to Mictlan, the land of the death, and created our current world, the Fifth Sun, by using his own blood to give new life to bones. Quetzalcoatl is also the giver of maize (corn) to mankind.
Quetzalcoatl is sometimes depicted as a white man (light, the shining ones) looking nothing like the Mesoamerican people who worshipped him. Most often he is depicted as a feather serpent. Feathers represent the ascension of human consciousness back to its origins - while serpent represent human DNA or physical reality.
Quetzalcoatl as Thoth writing the stories of our reality manifest through Sacred Geometry. As with all gods, there is a promise to return one day, the truth being, no gods return, we return to light. Some Mormon scholars believe that Quetzalcoatl, as a white, bearded God who came from the sky and promised to return, was actually Jesus Christ. According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus visited the American natives after his resurrection.

seems he is associated,or an aspect of  Jesus, and a giver of life and food, so as to the poem, he would represent the maid = wet nurse/ nurse/ angel/ Jesus, giver of life nourishing food,  food, being food for thought, intelligence, spiritual nourishment.
so i thought what about the number 8? then, as i was looking for a pic, of Quetzalcoatl ( cant even spell it let alone pronounce it, o.o )  i came across another pic,


ahhh then, i remembered that Quetzalcoatl and Jesus are known, as precious twins, twinflames, the 8 here being the representation of eternity, and the twinflame s coming together, so seems this is my 8th lesson, and the meaning, of the verse, in the poem, is...

8. The eight maids a-milking are the eight Beatitudes.

which are...

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

Carl Heinrich Bloch - Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1872.
They certainly don't make my lessons easy, ( Glares at my Guides, )  >.<  smiles, but i got the message, Thankyou,

Ninth clue, and thankfully a bit easier, tonight, smiles, although still not what i thought it would be, i have been listening all evening to love songs,that appeared on my fb and kept seeing random pictures, of roses, till i saw the blue rose with a blue love, heart, and clicked, "oh micheal is always sending, me blue roses and blue love hearts, when i sun gaze, and in visionand i realised that maybe todays clues were roses,  seems, this whole lesson,  is about me meeting and recognising, my twinsoul eventually.
So... how to connect roses, and love hearts to, 9 ladies dancing...     a lover always gives, his lady a rose, traditionally roses, where also a part of lovers couples dances, i.e, spanish dances, tango, etc ladies dressess also, look like roses in bloom, when they are dancing.  i also, often see, in vision, myself and my beloved, doing the tango, smiles. 


Shimmering, Vibrating ground,
Heat, glimmering,
 Hypnotic sound.
Gyrating bodies, Burning, bound,
I move around, Hypnoti
c Sound.

Drums, resonating, Rythmic tones,
Pounding, beat, Goes through my bones,
Hips swaying, I dance around,
Mesmerized by Hypnotic sound.
Eyes meet across a darkened room,
Hearts beating to the musics tune,
Drums thumping, wildly, to the beat,
I feel an aching, burning hea
As my blood rises to my face,
And shyness starts to take its place,
A rosy glow, upon my bust,
My tinted visions lust.

Were moving closer, dancing by,
Brushing arms, electric sigh,
Moving gently to the tones,
Swaying hips, suggestive groans,
Eyelashes, flutter, simpering smiles,
Our bodies dance, in erotic styles.
Hypnotic Sound, Hypnotic sound
Dance around, Hypnotic sound.
Groovin, Movein,
Dance around,
Gyrating to Hypnotic sound.

Spinning, Smoothly,
Arms swing free,
Bodies bumping, joyfully.

Hypnotic sound, Hypnotic sound,
Dance around, Hypnotic Sound. ~Seaopal
The meaning of the number 9  ... The qualities of the number 9 are those of leadership, the ability to see clearly, integration, the three worlds – physical, intellectual, spiritual, last symbol before return to unity, ability to understand, inborn talents, compulsions, introspection, personal integrity, unity, truth, perfection, concord, dissolves ego attachments, challenges faced in looking for your own wisdom.

Idealistic 9’s, capable of realizing those ideals, are intensely passionate people needing to control their wild impulses.

Variously assertive, trusting, generous, selfish and willful, 9’s seriously need stabilizing influences.
In love, 9’s are romantic, ardent and impetuous.

the roses are blossomings of romantic love, therefore also, could be called, fruits, of the holy spirits,

9. Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. ...  which are...

A person who is working with God's Holy spirit will display the 9 qualities in their lives. These are mentioned at Galatians 5:22&23: Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Self control. When we're approved by God and are working in harmony with his will, he will pour out his holy spirit, giving us these qualities in abundance.(Galatians 6:7&8)
There is actually only "one" fruit of the Spirit, and nine manifestations of that fruit.

Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Fruit's of the holy spirit are:
Self control.

Tenth sign, it was a bit easier, today,to see,  while i was out on my daily walk, across the fields, i noticed 10 song birds, siting on the telephone wires, the reason i noticed, them, was this year we havent had many song birds, about, mostly, carrion birds,and fowl, so its lovely to see the sweet little ones, concidering, i live in the middle of the countryside, its quite a treat now to see and hear them.  well i counted them, then, thought oh 10 leaping, as they leap of the wires, then, i blinked and they , had all gone, didnt even see them fly  away, smiles.
then in the same minute, i looked out across, the fields, as i could see something red, and then, noticed, in the distance, The Hunt, was on, i watched, as the huntsmen, in their red coats, on horse back went into the woods, and thought of yes, The Lord,s a leaping... Traditionally it was the gentry "Lords"  that went on "The Hunt." 

Also, now, its been made illegal in Britian, for fox hunting, so it fits in with the meaning of this verse, in the poem. the law..
10. The ten lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments.
English Standard Version
And God spoke all these words, saying, I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
  1. You shall have no other gods before me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.


Eleventh sign,  as i was walking in the fields, today,  i saw  11 pigeons fly by, pigeons, traditionally being carriers of messages, then i looked into the directly  sun, in my sun gazing vision, i saw my own face looking back at me, although not wearing specs, smiles, behind my sun image was a purple sky, then my face in the vision changed, into a male face, with a moustach and beard, my twinflame, smiles,    the images, in the vision, changed, again, to the twinflames eternity symbol, felt reasured and loved, whilst looking at the sun, and felt tears falling, for joy.
then whilst browsing, on fb, twice, this message pic appeared, on my feed. posted by Liora 1111
so heres the message for me, the 11 pipers piping, being, messengers, of God. the Angels, and Birds of the heavens.  the message clear to me.

11. Eleven pipers piping represent the eleven faithful Apostles.
Matthew 10:2-4
Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot.


The twelfth sign, hard one to recognise this time, but worked it out, smiles,
flower of life, sacred geomentry, 12 signs of the zodiac,  the   matrix
 vibration   dimentions
 vibrations = drums,   beating,  rythemns of life,  12 rythemns
12 drummers drumming,   completion .
12. Twelve drummers drumming symbolize the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles Creed.


Conclusion....   Epiphany  -
Epiphany : a Christian festival held on January 6 in honor of the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ
: a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.
or in my case, the countdown,from the 23rd, october, 2013, to the 6th november 2013,  to this poems puzzle and the conclusion,od the lesson,and message, ... finally, after two years, my Twinsoul has, messaged  me today, apologaising, and  acknowledging me.  smiles.
I looked deep, into the twin flames,
Dancing, the dance of life,
Flickering, their fierce fire, in passionate embrace,
Testing their paths,
Teasing their way,
As I watched them, getting brighter,
Flaring colours, darting,
Shooting out,
Waves of emotions.
Eternal flames,
Merging lights,
Becomeing One, once again. ~ Seaopal


Friday 11 October 2013

The Dragon Knight

13.33 11/09/2013
Facing the Fear of the  Void within. my journey.

Once again, as I was drifting on the very, verge of sleep, I found, myself flying over mountains, and vales, large. dark woodlands, of purple spruce and ever green pines.   Tall and majestic trees appearing out of the mists, of time.  Gliding above and looking down. I saw the reflection of me, in the dark, moonlit waters of the lakes, as I looked for a spot to land,  Pegasus, swooped down, softly landing in the silence of the forest, soundless, in the midst of the trees, and on the soft pine leaves, of the forest  floor.  I excitedly jumped of my steed, and he took off, into the night,  as I looked around, and walked. fearlessly into the dense darkness.
My eyes growing accustomed to the dimness, I found the place I was searching for, a deep hole under an old and gnarled, yew tree with roots growing, into the ground, and around, the precipice of the hole,  swinging, down on the root,s I started to climb, till the roots were no more, looking down, into an empty, void, of nothingness. I closed my eyes and let myself fall,  smelling the peaty smoke of my shadow dragon, waiting for me, I drifted on his breath, slowly falling.   Landing on a soft pile of bracken fronds, and pine needles, I found myself in a tunnel, a torch brand alight, on the earthy wall, glowing brightly.
  Picking myself up and dusting,  the leaves off my behind, I reached for the brand, and the glimmer of flame, that shone, out like a beacon, the soft glow of fire, warming me, making colorful highlights, around, me, in cheerful circles.  I started to explore the tunnel, tentatively walking forward, still smelling the smoke of my dragon guide.   As I walked further, the tunnel seemed to narrow, and get lower, panicking slightly as I’m quite claustrophobic, I ventured on, bravely, nearly crouching as I squeezed, through the narrow passage of the tunnel, my heart beating in my throat, with fear, of being trapped, and buried, underground, forever.  Feeling dizzy now, and gasping, I crawled through the narrowest of  holes, into a huge cavern, breathing a sigh of relief, I stood up and stretched, looking around me in amazement, at the beautiful cavern, the crystals shining, and reflecting, the light from my torch brand, like beams of rainbow colors all around, me.  The pools of water, on the floor glimmering, and glowing, also, shimmering, with the colors, and lights.    

The Cavern Within

Deep in the darkness, the recess, within,
Hiding in shadows, dimly, lights gleam.
Eyes, piercing lights, watching you pray,
Listening, daily, To words that you say.

Heart overflowing, the tears falling still.
Rivulets running, fading away.
Deep in the shadows, feeling my way,
Searching my mind, memories delay.

Releasing my fears,
Empty, my sea ,
Waters, no longer flowing,
I set myself free.

  I wondered, through the crystal lights, of the cave,  the air crackling around me, like an electric storm, prickling my skin, with tingling sensations,  in a  darker crevice at the far corner of the cave, where the light was dim, the shadows, seemed, to move, in swirls, undulating,  like wistful serpents,   gazing mesmerised, I cautiously crept closer to the billowing, smoke, as I saw, a pair, of huge eyes, blinking at me, like glowing orbs,  from the darkness,  the being, fixed me with his stare, as he slowly approached me, from his hiding place.    Paralysed with a kind of fascinated fear, I stood, unable to move, watching him slowly approach me, like a huge crocodile.  His immense body, sinuously swaying, was glistening, in his approach.  But with wonder and incredulity, through the smoky, clouds, surrounding, him, his shape seemed, to change, and out of the glowing, mists, walked, my Dragon knight, whom I had seen in visions, many times before. ~Seaopal

Sunday 6 October 2013

Twinsoul Message

06/10 at 21:02 vision

I see, swirling, I see it with my eyes open like a whirl pool purple flames, two,
It’s just coming into me, from the lights energy, a transmission
I see a multi coloured rainbow crystal eye, looking at me

   the waves are going straight into my crown,   smiles   giggles
I feel so much love crying,   smiles
The waves look like two flames, purple white blue
One either side of each other, but twisting around, each other
Feeling an energy moving within me, sweating hot and cold, and crying to,
  I see a man and a woman merging, light all around, them the lotus opening
The man and the women embracing in a dance,
I see fields through them the gateway, ripe fields of golden corn, and blue sky’s
I see other couple s with their flames, leaving the earth plane
A golden city, in the sky,
K a warning,
Golden masks two and a golden fox, chasing its tail,
The mask s were like theatre masks,
Number 448
Oh my tears are going up my eye that’s strange crying upwards
tears rolling up onto my top eye lid,  on my right eye like I’m upside down now my other eye to eye lid is wet with tears
Red green eye looking into mine, not sure who it is    34
Red green eye looking into mine, not sure that it is it’s in my root chakra,
N 11   a flag and 77,    4
I see Jesus, standing on the clouds and the 11, next to him, but he is dim not bright,
Dirty, colour, muddy, mustard, and brown, like a reflection in a muddy puddle
Lies the warning even now to be careful of the false messiah, and lies,
The final test,

Monday 23 September 2013

Birth of Geier 22/09/2013

I’m hearing a transmission that sounds like a radio frequency.   My heart pulsating too loudly.   Something is happening.
The other day I could see energy around my light bulb.  like lines of colour like a torus,   now I can see an aura to,  spreading out from my light bulb,   like a rainbow   the same as I could see round the moon,   and I can see it with my eyes open,  I’m being called again,  going to bulb gaze.
I see elders standing in a row; in bright gowns about 5 of them I see an open door bright, shining light inside the door.
I feel something coming over my face, from the right over one eye, like a cobweb feeling slightly cold, tingling.
I see Zeus sitting on his throne
“3,   A,   I AM”
Have you noticed today how all the colours are much brighter, even though, there are no sun, in my room its really bright colours
Ok seeing invisible shapes again now coming down from my light bulb.
I see a woman, in a boat,   she’s being pushed out in the water, she’s pregnant,   a man in the boat with her poling the boat, on a lake,
Reminds me of when we used to go to Avalon,
beams of energy now descending on me from the light bulb,  light bulb is flickering a bit,  feeling hot, sweating,  dizzy,  energy all around me,  in my hair on my body,  in me.
ok I see a hole in my bedroom ceiling,   it’s like a rainbow portal going up, where the light bulb is attached, but it’s not on my ceiling, it’s in between the bulb and attachment fitting,   and sending energy down the wire into my bulb, I can feel tingling,   in my hands when I hold them up to the bulb,   it’s a bit like what happened the other week, my energy field is wavering, rippling.  A beam of light over my bed.
I see two figure s going towards the beam of light,  the doorway,  wooo ,  dizzy spinning , cold, hot,   sweating,
I see an eye, in the centre is the throne with father on it,   and feels like half my face is disappearing. Top left,    Zeus,
I see like a  tornado vortex with souls spinning in it,   its red, green, brown,   my teeth feel hollow,  now a white light shining down from my light bulb,
 I see a mother, gathering her child to her.
Ganesh and a symbol,   like a three,   it’s a Hindu looking symbol squiggly, like a 3 but not ive drawn it.
I see people watching flames, bright burning,   I see people walking away,
Cold shivers going up my right leg,   something came into me,   a red looking eye with a flame in the centre.   I’m not sure whose it was, oh I was just told “Ganesh” smiles,   elephant eye.     Ganesh is in me removing blockages and obstacles.
Love him, so much,   smiles, beautiful Ganesh, hot sweating again,   acid tears going from the outer corners of my eyes,
Another symbol, I drew it, it’s like a word.  Will look it up later, Hebrew.     I see two feathers like Egyptian hieroglyphs,   one higher than the other I think my “ie” the feather hieroglyphs, ie or y.      Oh I see.    Part of the word,    but one is facing the wrong way,   inwards, and the other inwards, to so facing each other, 
= English translation of the Hebrew word, Geiir or Geier, a name.
I see  a lady with a blue cloak come into me she was holding a child,  looked like Mary, Isis,   the child separated from her as she came into me, the boy child had blond hair.
I see a jewelled hilt of a sword, sticking out of something.

My rooms thick with energy, tingling all around me
Ganesh is leaving me now,
  Christ consciousness
Sweating again.   Not allowed to put my fan on, cos I got to sweat it out   so I’m told
it’s in my back now in my spine, the energy like the other week  same thing  and upgrades  in my heart chakra  in my head now. 

End of vision

Friday 20 September 2013

Dragon experiances


Just settling down, said my prayers, and asked for help, with my health, when in my minds eye, came a vision, of a dragon, this dragon, had a smaller head, no horns, but tendrils on his chin, like a beard, and longer body, than Ergo'ts.  He was a spring leaf green, and sunny yellow, underside, and when he waved his tail about, it made white light sparkles, fly, he had a wide smile, and yellow eyes, and when he breathed out his breath was like a green fog, dark leaf green, he was a healing dragon, and a light dragon. He told me to breathe deep of his breathe, I breathed in the green fog, several times, saw in my minds eyes, the fog entering my mouth. And breathed out dark fog, then the dragon, turned away to fly off, I asked what his name was, his name was Zen, smiles.


I felt i was given a young dragon, to guard me, or so he told me, he called himself, Blaze, he was a fire dragon. I saw him, as red, but very different from Ergo't and Zen,  he was very, hot, when he got close, in fact, the whole time he stayed close to me, it  was the middle of summer, and it was making me have terrible hot flushes, he insisted on sleeping on the foot of my bed, and followed me about everywhere, he was'nt very big, well not as big as Ergot, had been, and he reminded me of Dino, the dinosuar  dog, on the cartoon the Flintstones, he  acted like a big clumsy exhuberant dog, so i nicknamed him Dino, when i was out walking in the fields, i could sense, him, and heard, the crops, cracking and popping, with the heat from the fire,  when he was'nt walking in the crops, they didnt pop, and crackle, and then, i would feel him, on the other side of, me, sometimes, would see patches, in the crops, where he would be, i would stand. staring. trying to see, him, smiles, reminded me, of that walt disney film, Petes Dragon, cos he would be invisable, but i could see him, with my eyes shut, his red energy.   He was behind me as i was out walking, and kept bumping me. one day he told me, telepathically,  he had a present for me, and told me to look down, on the ground, in the dust just where i was standing, was a small white pebble, i picked it up, and it was a perfect heart shape, smiles, he told me it was from my twinsoul, on one side there were markings, like a map,it  took, me a few days of looking at these marking, s but after severel days, and copying them, out on paper, one day whilst walking in the fields, i looked up, and then, recognised the markings on my stone, as a map of the fields, i was walking in, an areal view. well after 4 days, i felt Dino, had left, and my hot flushes, left to, thankfully, smiles, i thanked, him, for keeping me company.

a couple of months, later i had a bad experiance with a Black Dragon, i had, pulled him, out of, a friend of mine, who had, been  doing some, meditations, with a group online, which. he was paying, for, after a week, of listening to theses meditations, he was getting ill, and wanted my opinion,  so i went to the page, and immediatly, started to feel ill, and lumps forming in my lower chakras, so left the page, i offered to look  at my friends energies, and found, a dark shadow, within him, his energies, all looked very dark, and dim, so i offered, to help, and heal,him, after wards he said he was feeling so much better.  It was that evening, that i met the black dragon, and had some difficulties, he would' nt leave me alone, then, as i was feeling ill, and getting disorientated, i saw, white flickering lights,  and the black dragon, it  seemed to me like there was a battle going on, above my body.
 Then i fell into a deep sleep. after that i never felt or saw the black dragon, again.

it  was a monthor so later, I  had a brief visit, from a very, old dragon, looked a bit like Ergot, he was by my bed, and i saw, his shadow face, looking very old and worn, tired, he put his muzzle on my bed, and closing my eyes, i reached out and, was stroking it, then, seemed to me he smiled, and disappeared.

 another  experiance,   was, when i was connected to a friend. and looking within, him, i saw, a beautiful dragon, he was jet black, majestic, a kind of blue fire all around him, and emerald, highlights glinting, off his hide, was very different to the other dragons, i ve seen, he had 3 heads, smiles.