Sunday 5 May 2013

Golden Fire dragon, shedding scales

Yesterday, i had such weird dreams, i dreamt i was a huge corn on the cob, o.o and, i was rubbing, the kernals of corn off my skin, then, i woke, up, but... as i woke, up, i was having images flitting through my third eye vision, of genetic codes, i was reading them, really fast, going through my sight like a slide show.

i got up but was feeling emotional tired and aching, a little dizzy and sick feeling. later that day, i went to sleep again, and was again, dreaming, that i had, huge golden hard scales, all over me, and they were being rubbed off, me, the feeling was deliscious, my heart also, felt like it was growing and expanding, felt blissful with love, and all up my spine, was tingling, then, my scalp to, tinging, and cold shivers, mm, giggles. smiles.

all night, i was itching, and aching, but at the same time, feeling nice, and good, as i felt, could see etherically, huge golden, scales, coming, off me, like i was having a good, grooming, and deep massage, know, now, how a horse, feels, when its groomed, giggles, smiles.

anyone else experiancing, this, one of my friends said, my skin, looks, like a golden wrapped, chocolate bar, O.o

im wondering, if i am, in fact, a golden fire dragon, and shedding my skin, renewing, and growing, smiles. well whatever is happening, feels WonderFul, mmm shivers. giggles, smiling, x

ps would explain, the hot flushes i been having for the past 3 days to, boy, am i having hot flushes,

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