Tuesday 22 April 2014

Journey to the center of me, - a visualisation meditation 20/04/2014

 In my troubled, darkness, drowning in despair, like I was sinking, into the unfathomable places.  A friend suggested that I go through a stargate portal to the earth’s inner core for light to purge, me.
So I imagined, a stargate portal, and went through.
I was instantly traveling through wormhole tunnels, to the earth’s core, brown earthly tunnels glowing a warm rich reddish glow, I found that I was like a ball of fire, traveling through the earth, burning and consuming all that gets in my way.  But as I whooshed further down into the depths of the earth, I felt claustrophobic, walls closing in on me, burying me, in darkness, lights going out.
“It’s  getting darker, my fire  going out,  can’t see now, just darkness, me, in the dark tunnels, like being buried underground, hoping, i will see light soon then, as I’m still traveling, downwards, seeing a reddish glow, in the darkness.”  I told my friend, as I was falling.
“I can see the Dragons eye,  watching me,  I’m in  a cavern, dark , with turquoise, deep blue water,  I see a light, glowing, in a corner of the cavern, walking towards it, glowing, mounds of gold, and treasure, oh, I’m  in the dragons den, I see his eye, watching, I’m getting closer, going into his eye, into the dragon,”
Waves like water rippling from me, through him, seemed to be a battle going on, energy and colours, swirling, in no form or shape, mingling, and merging.
“I’m firing up again, my lights being rekindled, its cloudy, like a mist, all around me, glowing, Smokey.”
 I carried on down, down through the earthly tunnels, again into the very core of me, I see the central sun, burning, brightly, a beautiful yellow/green sun, letting the light, consume, me, my energy swirling and swimming, bathing, in the light and warmth, around the central sun,   sparking me up again, and bringing me out of my depths, of darkness, and despair.     Smiles.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Waking from the Dead, Quantum jumping, 12/04/2014

I felt so drained,  tired, de-feted, and depressed, I  felt like giving up, so  fell  into an exhausted sleep.  was an odd, sleep, I did'nt feel like I was asleep. i felt myself sinking, into darkness, wanting to go and stay in the depths, and shadows, as i drifted into nothingness  I became aware of some gates, with two Egyptian, type of cherubim, sitting over them, the angels wings, were facing each other, like guarding the gates, alot like the angels on top of the ark of the covenant.  
   I then  seemed to be flying away from the gates, not sure if I passed through them or got turned away,  falling, flying  through a red haze of lightening and fire, it was like being inside, my own skull, but my skull being a ruby crystal skull,  as I fell into myself again, I started to choke, cough and splutter, catching my breath, as i gradually came to,  I  felt like I was wakeing up from the dead.
Upon waking up I was suddenly filled with alot of energy,  I felt like a different person, felt more confident, and bubbly, and even looked slimmer, smiles.