Monday 29 July 2013

Gaia's Lament

My waters are like tears, of emotions, the cleansing, salt waters of my oceans.
The sadness, of the earth, and humanity, which, I hold within, me,
When I cry, for them, they are healed, of painful emotions.
Though my tears for myself are like acid and burn me,
The lava , and fire, of the earth, rise, within, me, bubbling out, in pain, making, my waters boil,
The waves, crash and rise, whipping winds, whistle and blow.
Lightening striking, fork across, the skies.
I have trouble containing, them, to stop the tsunamis, that would destroy,
Trying to contain, the rains, and winds,
Easing, the pain, without, much, damage, to humanity,
I am, here, to help, and how can I not, when I am able to?
I have been told it is not for me to interfere, and been told to let go, of the waves and winds,
I cry, at the feeling, of the suffering of mankind, as I have to let go, and let the, pain, flow.
But I am an emotional being, and I feel the vibrations of, all,
Though they are not, my emotions, they cause, my waves, my tears, with their, stress and trauma.
Letting go in love, letting my emotions, flow, and go where they, have to.
Not with holding the storm and tempest.
May peace, settle, and calm, my fray.
Soothing, sounds, cooling, this day. ~Seaopal

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Healing the Butterfly

 I was walking in the fields, on a sunny day,  there were lots of  butterflies, fluttering about me. One, of the butterflies, settled, at my feet, it looked a poor thing, tattered and torn, by the elements, its wings, were ragged, around the edges, and the colours  dim,  although its body was a beautiful green.   I stopped, and stared at the butterfly, while it twitched its antenna, towards, me, feeling sorry for the butterfly, and feeling its pain, I stretched, out my hand, towards, it, it didn’t move, but stayed, on the ground, and turned, a little, fluttering its poor, wings.  As I moved, my hand, near, my shadow, touched, the butterfly, and I sent as much love and healing energy, as I could to the butterfly, making myself, tired,  dizzy, and weak in  the process, but as I watched, I saw, the butterflies, colours, brightening, and felt the butterfly getting stronger. When I felt, that I could do no more, for the butterfly, I smiled at him, he twitched his antenna, fluttering his wings, as I turned, and walked away. ~ Seaopal