Tuesday 14 January 2014


El-Dor    young phoenix /dragon hybrid,    fire dragon,  red/ gold/ bronze, body, underbelly  yellow/gold,    scales with feather,s   air-o-dynamic, streamlined,   he wanted, to be called,  El –Draco, but I think with his beautiful plumage looking like Spanish  treasure of the legends,  El-Dorado  suits him better, shortened, to El-Dor .
He has the aspect of Horus, in him, I recognise, the expression in his eyes, beautiful gem, like, firey and golden, with glints,  he also, has a beak, dragons  head,  falconish face,  voice energy, feels/sounds  like  Horus,    has horny lumps, around, his eyes, horn like ears, but streamlined slanting back, from his forehead, narrow  long body,  claws like a birds on  feet ,  forefeet, are shorter, than hind.
We spent, the night, in dream time, practicing, his flying techniques, in astral, fast and furious.
The  good thing about training a young fire dragon in the winter, is he keeps me nice and toasty, warm.     smiles. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Sound of the Horn

The Sound of the horn    07/01/2014

Laying quietly, in my darkened, room,
 Walls swaying, and creaking, floors
 Listening to the whistling wind,
the trees blowing, and whispering  leaves,
Rains lashing, in the arctic, breeze,
Suddenly, a stillness,  breaks,
Silently, the silence, quakes,
And out of the silent ground, I hear,
 A horn, blowing, a mournful fear,
 A dreadful sound, blowing,
Echoes, all around, 
Filling my head, knowing, the call abounds,
Bleakly, the long, note, calls,
 Announcing, judgement in the lonesome,  halls.  ~ Seaopal