Truly beautiful vision, 11pm
As I was lying in the darkened, room, listening, to binaural
music, on headphones, candles alight, and incense, burning, laying naked, with my crystals, spread over
me, in the tree of life quabala layout, on my chakras.
Closing my eyes, I was moving, travelling, flying , the
ground, beneath me, looked like it was
collapsing, behind, a frightened, herd, of cattle, running fast over prairies,
dust clouds rising, behind, them, as the land, sunk, giant sink holes, forming,
the cattle looked like bison, a huge herd.
Then, I was in a ship, a weird looking space craft, Hugh domed, ceiling, green blue, colours, the entrance, was in an A formation, lots of
As within each other.
I was crying out, in
pain, and darkness, loneliness, abandonment, hopelessness.
Then I was back, in my
bed, looking up, I saw lots of beautiful white horses, coming towards, me, then,
one, jumped, over me, and I saw it was Pegasus, I felt so much love, calling
out with tears streaming down, my face, “I Love You Pegasus”, I felt joy and
great love, on seeing him, and saw the beautiful huge white wings, and his
belly, as though I was looking up from underneath, him. Then, he landed, and stopped.
I saw, a giantess of
a goddess, roughly 7ft tall. dismount,
as she came towards, me, getting closer, she was beautiful, long, flowing, golden,
blonde hair, all around, her, floating, with light and energy, sparkling, from
her hair, like golden, white lightening,
down to her waist, she was tall, curvaceous, powerful,
wearing a white short, toga type dress, thing, with a golden girdle and golden sandals, on her feet.
The light, all
around, her shone, a golden, white light, I never saw her face, but she walked
towards, me, powerful, loving, strong, purposeful, confident, she walked closer
and closer, as I welcomed her back to me, my soul, “I Love You , Aphrodite”,
smiles, crying, she came into me.
Feeling stronger,
loved, cared for, more able bodied, as she settled, back into me, I writhed, arching,
my back, my limbs, bones, cracking, stretching, to accommodate her size, as she
shrank to fit me, and I grew, to fit her, merging, with one another, into one,
I creaked and crunched, my muscles, taunt, tears streaming, down, my face, with
joy, and love at her return, to me. Smiles,